Someone, Somewhere, Is Hurting

Dear Friends, A dharma sister, sadness in her heart, wrote to me about this recently, and I would like to pass it on to you. It’s an opportunity to let compassion have its way with you, without deliberation or hesitation. (Consider going there every day. You might even want to put it in an email note and pass it on to your friends as well. It’s no trouble, really… see how much closer it brings you to the world.)

What is this all about?

Have you ever gone more than a day or two without food? What is it like to be really hungry? All day long… well into the night… waking up the next morning… still hungry. Does it hurt? What is it like to be endlessly hungry, horribly hungry, having it gnawing at you relentlessly, day after day, week after week? What is it like to be so sick and so tired that you can’t stand up, you can’t even move? What is it like to continuously be in agonizing pain… your body doesn’t work right anymore, vulnerable to predators and disease? What is like to slowly die like this?

Someone, somewhere in the world, is dying in this way, this very second. Someone like your mother or your father or your sister or your brother, someone like your son or your daughter, or your husband or your wife, someone like your lover, or your best friend. It could be anybody. More often than not, it’s a small child. Take a breath. Now someone else is dying this way, this very instant. Another breath… and still someone else.

It doesn’t have to be this way. Reflect on the one who is dying right now.

Take just a few seconds, at least, to visit It won’t cost you a thing. And someone, somewhere, doesn’t have to die this way tonight.

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